What special thing have you learnt from your teacher this year?
Miss Paton has taught us how to make a google document,presentation and spreadsheet. I also learnt how to log on to my blog,how to log on to my maths whizz account,sumdog and extra maths. She also showed us a website called fotor where you can make a collage by adding pictures,and a website called floorplanner where you can make your own dream classroom. Lastly she also taught us how to take screenshots of our work.
What have you learnt from someone outside of your classroom this year?
Mrs Eeles taught us current events and about the website kiwi kids news quiz. For current events we go to the website kiwi kids news where you can look at current articles from the news,and answer related questions about the topic. Mrs Eeles teaches us drama and music, and then we make blog posts reflecting on our time during drama and music class.
What a friend has taught you
Patrick has shown me a virtual piano where you can play the piano online.
Halaiano showed me a website called button bass were you can play hip hop music by pressing buttons using the mouse.