
Tuesday 1 December 2015

Letter To Term 1 Me!

LI: To reflect on personal goals set in term 1.

Dear Term 1 Latham,

Didn’t I do well this year! I have gained confidence and I have limited my time in the sick bay! I have participated in sports like soccer, hockey, cricket and much more. This year we have been doing lots of great things we even started  by getting these badges called CARE awards. Head leader nominations are coming up and i’m really excited to see how that goes. Hopefully I get nominated for head boy! I have gotten certificates in assembly, and prize giving is coming up which is exciting! Maybe i’ll get an award! I’ve improved a lot in maths, but i’m still working on my multiplication. I have had a crazy but awesome year and have achieved my goals! See you next year,

From Term 4 Latham


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